Chinese Traditional Medicine

Chinese Suction Cups

This treatment consists of glass or bamboo cups which exert suction on certain points of the body to remove blockages (stagnancy) of both blood just as much as energy. These blockages suppress the immune system and favor the appearancs of diseases.

By removing these so called blockages or stagnancies, the body is liberated and improved both physically and psychically.

Chinese suction cups are usually applied for treating rheumatism, sprains, abdominal pain, stomach pain, a cold, cough, asthma, numbness of all four limbs.

This treatment is indicated in cases of

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Inflammation of tissues and joints

  • Constipation

  • Fluid retention and edema

  • Circulatory problems

  • Sciatica

  • Cellulite

  • Toxicity

  • Stress

What a massage with these cups achieves

  • Removes stagnation and relieves inflammation

  • Drains and moves fluids

  • Sedates the nervous system

  • Expulses congestion

  • Stretches your muscles and connective tissue

  • Releases adhesions

  • Provides blood for the skin and cleanses toxins


Chinese Suction Cups

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